Soraya Shaw MSc

Shaping Future Minds

Interested in Unlocking Human Potential in a Digital World?

Welcome to a world where the science of the brain meets business transformation. I’m Soraya Shaw, CEO of BrainShaw®, and my mission is simple: to help leaders and teams unlock their true potential by harnessing the power of neuroscience. In a fast-evolving world shaped by AI and innovation, understanding the brain is the key to staying ahead.

At BrainShaw®, we work with forward-thinking professionals and organisations ready to embrace change, challenge the status quo, and thrive in a future where human creativity and AI work side by side. Whether it’s through our Future Leaders Programme, Brain-Based Coaching, or the Brainy Podcast, I give you the tools to think critically, innovate boldly, and lead with confidence.

What makes BrainShaw® different? It’s our belief that human brains, when nurtured and understood, can solve the most complex challenges. We don't just train you to lead—we transform the way you think, enabling you to build a business culture that is agile, creative, and future-ready.

Are you ready to unlock your potential? Explore more and join a movement where the brain's power shapes tomorrow’s leaders.


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We believe in creating transformational learning cultures that are neuro-inclusive.


Because working with our brains not against them creates a healthy, human social cohesion across your company that can confidently challenge the status quo, disrupt your industry norms and develop agile, innovative business models that weave generative AI into operations reflecting a forward facing world of work.

Our consultancy is informed by evidenced neuro & behavioural science, C-suite agendas, leadership and global trends to form our programmes, coaching, talks and thinking in a digestible style.

Plus through our Brainy Podcast:Talking Creativity and Innovation, we learn and absorb a wealth of first-hand knowledge and experience from our guests to share with you whether you are an individual, people leader or part of the C-suite .

Our aim is to give you the tools and insights to confidently innovate, encourage critical thinking and take a first mover advantage.

2024 New Topics

  • So you want to enjoy your success and achievements and explore what you can do more of? Working with the deep knowledge of a Neuroscience MSc experienced coach and a Fellow of the Assoication for Coaching, is a different experience enabling greater more effective change.

    Neuroscience within coaching has many applications. Not least understanding and applying the neuroscience knowledge within the coaching relationship enables personal and professional transformation, as it mirrors the memory and shaping patterns of our brains and neuronal pathways.

    Areas our clients feel the value include emotional regulation and intelligence, relationships, diversity of people and teams, problem solving and decision making, aim identification, leadership abilities, skills audit and business acumen.

    Typically GrowWell® coaching begins over 6 sessions and then coachees decide on a continued series of sessions. Clients at senior C-level or within influential roles view the coaching relationship as continuous learning, strategy defining and positive reflection time.

    GrowWell® coachees benefit from specifically designed tools that work our brains design and included the unique SHERPAR(c) model which is a based on the psycholgical, physical and social elements and needs of our brains.

    As an accredited executive coach I have worked with hundreds of clients across different ages, cultures, diversity needs, industries and roles and I love it!

  • As social creatures developing a psychosocial culture goes beyond individuall psychological safety to social relations and working with the needs of our social brain.

    Experiencing belonging, being heard and seen transforms peoples experience with work enabling deeper trust, a learning culture and collaboration to improve productivity.

    Our BrainShaw® programme will guide you and your teams showing you how to take a brain approach using a lens that evokes a culture of making everyday a good day.

    The programme draws on the works of some of the most brilliant brains today including Paul Brown, Robin Dunbar, Dearn Burnett, Gina Rippon, Lisa Feldman Barrett, Kelly McGonigal Amy Cuddy, Frederic Laloux, Barbara Wheatley and Dan Seigel to name a few! rPlus the first brain based wellbeing evaluation ‘SHERPAR’, ‘Swivel and Pival’ company flex programme and ‘Bullying at Work’ Parlimentary white paper on trauma at work.

    Organisations and leaders who innovate and operate in dynamic and flexibile cultures will reap the rewards of having the flexibiity within their relationships to embrace the ambiguity of change.

    We’ve found that their core values echo ours of valuing human-kind. neurodiversity, the social capital this brings and systemic processes lived.

    In 2024 companies and individuals will need flexibility, ingenuity and the ability to ideate if they are not to be discounted and over-passed.

  • Leadership today has changed significantly. The leaders of today operate in a collborative environment where influence, fellowship, curiosity and ambition are differentiating traits, with financial growth and ambitions remaining paramount.

    In many ways successful leaders understand they need to lead themselves through emotional intelligence, self-awareness and emotional regulation. The skill of asking the right questions, visioning and being comfortable with change and transition are also compulsory attributes.

    Understanding the social brain and diversity of the minds around you to develop trust, respect, voice and personal agency are differentiators for engagment, attraction and retention so that individuals can work witin a psycholgically safe framework.

    Working with the brain, and not against it, uses the brains neuroplasticity to help shape and give insights into how to effectively lead your team in a new and more human-centric way.

  • Change in our life is inevitable and healthy. Whether leaving for a sabatical, promoting successors, parenthood, career change or a new direction, leveraging your life & professional experience is your fastest growth tool and mindset compass.

    Learning how to work with your brains neuroplasticity, reflection and emotional intelligence networks will help you shape your beliefs and expectations in a shifting landscape for a future you control.

  • Who wouldn’t want to know what’s going on in theirs and others heads!

    Our signature series of neuroscience focused modules present and then explain how to harness the brain. Each topic won’t catapult you back to school! They’re jargon fee and immediately actionable.

    The 8 modules in the series begins with an

    1. Introduction to your brain how it does what it does, how to increase your brain health, and personal and professional potential.

      2. The Neuroscience of growth mindsets

      3. The Neuroscience of resilience and a healthy brain.

      4. The Neuroscience of confidence and gravitas.

      5. The Neuroscience of social relationships for rapport and influence.

      6. The Neuroscience of bullying and brain damage.

      7. The Neuroscience of Emotional Intelligence and Regulation.

      8. The Neuroscience of Creating Change.

2024 ‘Say Hello to Your Brain’ Masterclass & Talks

Imposter Syndrome & Human Communication

Master how to create trust with yourself and others, and grow synergistic relationships by building rapport, making others feel seen, understood and their’s and your brain safe.

Resilient Mental Health

Based on Soraya’s research and shared with 100’s of professionals we approach stress resilience from a neuroscience perspective. One client estimated that the ROI on increased performance across the team was 4,357%

What kind of leader did you want?

Leaders work with fewer resources and flatter structures. What is your style in developing followship? How do you create connectivity across a hybrid, generational workforce? How do you develop your resilience and mental well-being in the face of continued flux?

Future Proof all the Brains in the Business

Whilst still a mystery we are understanding on a daily basis how and what our brains need to thrive and stay healthy. Learn the foundations with your teams of practical brain-based knowledge to benefit professionally and personally to achieve your purpose.

Neuro Hacks & Myths

Disinformation is everywhere including how our brains work. Discover 10 neuromyths and the hacks to use that will maximise your collective intelligence getting the most out of teams and increase company health and success.

Confidence & Gravitas of Imposter Syndrome

Are you limiting your potential and future success by lack of self-belief and focus on inadequacies? Learn authentic self-confidence and gravitas techniques that will change the limits you’ve set yourself transforming your power and control in being the authentic you.

What our clients say

“The GrowWell neuro coaching has been a revelation! Learning about myself from a humancentric view point feels very natural and has meant that whilst I am personally developing my potential, my business ambitions are being met more effectively and sustainably”.

Nick P. Founder. Selective Asia, UK

“As our Guest Speaker Soraya provided invaluable insight into neuroscience for leadership.

Understanding how neurodiverse we are made so much sense with how as a leader my role is to be the conductor across the orchestra of talent to create collective harmony”.

Molly S. Leadership Academy

“As a leader I hadn’t appreciated how my mood or behviours would be picked up unconsiously by my teams impacting their trust, ability to ideate and focus 100%”.

Helen H. CEO. Events Company

“The ‘Say Hello to Your Brain®’ workshop was transformational. We now know how our brains work especially the energy traps and biases.

We’ve learnt practical hacks to dial up our potential and the neuromyths that you can wrongly judge others by!”.

Future Influencers Group. Team Leader


Neuroscience for Business Event Talk

Our extended heartfelt gratitude for your valuable contribution as our keynote speaker. Your insights, expertise, and captivating talk truly enriched the event and I know will have left a lasting impact on our audience. The depth of knowledge you shared was both enlightening and inspiring.

 The positive feedback is a testament to the impact of your words and  your engaging style really helped the success of our event’

Invite Soraya to come and talk to all the brains in your business.